Keiffer Buckles


    Hello internet users. My name is Keiffer๐Ÿšฌ. Welcome to my website. I plan to add a lot of my work and resources for computer graphics / music someday. Even though I have a lot of ideas for the site, I still intend to keep the aesthetic of a plain HTML and CSS site because I like that vibe. Here are some links to my social media:

I enjoy making visual art with the Adobe Creative Cloud, Blender, Processing, and things like that. I enjoy studying computer graphics and image processing to the extent that I can. I make all my music in FL Studio. I have wasted a lot of time on all this so that is something. "PHNMNN" is just the word "phenomenon" with no vowels. I do not know why I chose that name but I'm too committed to stop using it any time soon. I have a lot of plans for this website but I probably will never follow through on them so that is all for now. If you need to contact me my email is keifferbuckles at ๐Ÿ“ฌ

Free Textures that I made to download for graphic design if you want. ๐Ÿ“‚

If you enjoy also enjoy classic HTML Web 1.0 sites here is a search engine that can help you find more.

If you want to check out some of my music but do not wish to leave this website then feel free to enjoy THE LISTENING ROOM.

Click this button and enter the WIKIPEDIA GALLERIA where you can click a button and recieve a random article on a topic in computer graphics that I found interesting.

I made an interactive slideshow that features random images and excerpts of Wikipedia articles about computer graphics and related subjects: WIKI TV. It is definitly a work in progress and it is currently mobile "unfriendly".

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